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Hi. I'm not 5 anymore but i sort of pretend to so i'll keep it like that until I come up with a better idea or frame.
I'm gonna make this page about snowboarding, travelling and calvin and hobbes for these are my passion and my love. I live on snowxygen if you are the same feel free to share or to invite me to your mountain condo!!
My birthday is Sept 7th .
(Get me a surprise!
or a trip to the snow will do!!)
I'm a brat and aside for chocolate i don't like anything...
Calvin will be my only love for ever and after.
When I grow up, I hav no clue what the heck i'll be doing.... hoepfully it'll make me happy and in my dreams it'll make me rich!!!
COuld be a doctor? or if that doesn't work out i might end up as a successful film producer for my talented bro. he's Famous. You just don't know it yet!!
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The Book Hive
My Pet