B & B and Guest House

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Whenever I go oversea travel, where I should stay is very first problem. Price, location and environment of accommodation are our common problems. And then I found out the best type of accommodation is B & B or Guest House after some travel experiences. When I was really far away from home, but B&B or GH was another home for me.

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(Photographs & Copyright to scottish tourist board)


B & B or Guest House is one of the most popular accommodation type in these days for world travellers. There are lots of factors for attraction at B&B or GH, first factor is reasonable price. Second is we can be relax as home. Third is I can do some experience to new taste of overseas culture. Specially, if we went England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland, we can see and stay at B&B or GH with welcome home. Nobody can't deny the fact that B&B or GH of U.K. & Ireland is the world most developed. At this moment I will focus on little bit more about U.K. & Ireland B&B and GH on this limited page. There will be added more countries accommodation in later. If you have any suggestion or question, please send e-mail to me.

Scotland has very similar accommodation types as England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Almost of same standards and type of accommodation make me easy to understand what it is.
I simplely copied from Scottish tourist board for reference.
It will help to choose your accommodation types before you go over there.

(Copyright to Scottish tourost Board)

(Copyright to Scottish tourist Board)

Scottish B&B or Guest Houst tariff (price) based on 2 or 3 stars is follow as :
1 person --- 4,000 Yen to 5,500 Yen included in bathroom & breakfast
2 person --- 7,500 Yen to 10,000 Yen included in bathroom & breakfast
Those prices can be cheaper or more expensive depend on places, season and bathroom option.

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(Photographs & Copyright rose hill guest house)

You can make a reservation through the on line using e-mail before you go, if they have a e-mail address. Natually using English. Don't worry about that, it's very simple! Mention with Hello! Can I make a reservation? and write your name, address, telephone/fax number, arriving day, departure day, bed type (single, twin or double), number of guest and toilet & shower option. Just one thing, whenever you see their offer means follow as:
with en-suite ---> with toilet & shower in your room
without en-suite ---> withiout toilet & shower in your room.
Now you do search your favorite B&B or Guest House and make a reservation on line.

Go to Scottish B&B and Guest House on line in English

Go to Scottish tourist board on line in English

Go to Scottish Youth Hostel on line in English

Go to everything of U.K. on line in Japanese

England also has a same standard and accommodation types as Scotland.
Just they use the different simbol such as ROSE as a tourist board one.
Tariff (price) is almost same as Scot do which I mentioned above.

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(Photographs & Copyright to budget accommodation guide)

Search and make reservation on line in England

Go to English B&B and Guest House on line in English

Go to English & Wales Youth Hostel on line in English

Go to English tourist board on line in English

Wales has a same standard and accommodation types as Scotland or England.
Just they use the different simbol such as Flying Lion as a tourist board one.
Tariff (price) is almost same as Scot do which I mentioned above.

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(Photographs & Copyright budget accommodation guide )

Search and reservation on line in Wales

Go to Wales B&B and Guest House on line in English

Go to English & Wales Youth Hostel on line in English

Go to Wales tourist board on line in English

Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland has a same standard and accommodation types as Scotland or England.
Just they use the different simbol such as Clover as a tourist board one.
Tariff (price) is little bit cheaper than Scotland or England.
1 person --- 3,000 Yen to 4,500 Yen included in breakfast & bathroom
2 person --- 5,500 Yen to 9,000 Yen included in breakfast & bathroom

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(Photographs & Copyright to Tara lodge guest house and Tempo Manor)

Search and make a reservation on line in Northern Ireland

Go to Belfast in Northern Ireland B&B and Guest House on line in English

Go to Northern Ireland B&B and Guest House on line in English

Go to Northern Ireland Youth Hostel on line in English

Go to Northern Ireland tourist board on line in English

Republic of Ireland
Rep. of Ireland has her own standard and accommodation types.
But there is a not big difference with Scotland or England.
Tariff(price) is little cheaper than Scotland or England,
1 person --- 3,000 Yen to 4,500 Yen included in breakfast & bathroom
2 person --- 5,500 Yen to 9,000 Yen included in breakfast & bathroom

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(Photographs & Copyright to park view guest house)

Search and make a reservation on line in Republic of Ireland

Go to Doublin in Rep. of Ireland B&B and Guest House on line in English

Go to Republic of Ireland B&B and Guest House on line in English

Go to Republic of Ireland Fishing Lodge on line in English

Go to Republic of Ireland Youth Hostel on line in English

Iceland has her own standard and accommodation types.
But there are not much accommodation type chioces as neighbors.
Tariff (price) is little bit expensive than Northern Ireland or Rep.of Ireland

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(Photographs & Copyright to funi guest house)

Search and make a reservation on line in Iceland

Go to Iceland B&B and Guest House on line in English

Go to Iceland Youth Hostel on line in English


I wait your experience, opinion or any kind of question. Please write yours or send e-mail.
Also I glad to receive your travel pictures through the attachment file with e-mail
Thank you & Enjoy your trip!

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