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Jungle Echoes #5 will be posted online on March 7th, with : Jazz Classics #1, Romance Sites, and a lot more.


As requested by Harland, we would like our readers to contribute (an) article(s) on African American/Black financial empowerment : wealth/capital building. We, at J.E., lack the proper expertise and would like your contributions to make up for this. Thank you.

T. : I'm in college but I'm looking to transfer. Print some stuff about Black colleges.

The Editor : First, a heartfelt thank you for entrusting us with helping you decide your future. We felt flattered and somewhat in awe that you did this after reading our Ezine. As you can see in the present issue, we have done the research and written the article. We hope you find it helpful and wish you well in your studies.

H. : I love your Ezine. Keep up the good work. A couple of suggestions. Since I'm a jazz fanatic, could you do more discographies other jazz artists? And since I'm also a believer in African American/Black financial empowerment, could you do something on understanding personal finances, since we as a community have made some strides in income levels, but still lag in wealth/capital building?

The Editor : Thank you for the positive comments, and, by the way, we love you too ! From one Jazz fanatic to another, I can promise you many more articles on Jazz musicians and we are planning a Best of Jazz List for one of our next issues. The trouble with extended articles, that include many files, is the time it takes to load them for the reader. This is why we have chosen to concentrate on a single artist at a time. We can include as many pics and audio files as possible without making our patience-lacking readers close J.E.

As to your second suggestion, I can only say that this an area of expertise none of the staff-members of J.E. has. We have tried to see if researching it would do the trick, but it doesn't. You really need someone who is fluent in the matter to write such an article. We therefore invite any and all of our readers who are up to par to send us (an) article(s) on African American/Black Personal Finances, with an emphasis on Wealth/Capital Building. Or perhaps you could write it yourself ?

E. : I must say the site continues to become more and more impressive. I love where it's going. And to my suprise it's loading a lot faster!! I loved the editorial too!! We got a feel for you this time. Some sweetness, sincerity(that's always there), and a little sense of humor (valentines day cards and the mixed nuts--very good).

The Editor : Thank you, thank you and thank you. The Editor loves being loved ! This issue has more files to download and you will therefore have to be a little more patient to view it. But, be patient, it should be worth your while.

The Editor : We recently saw a piece on television which surprised us, pleasantly. It concerned an organization of "wealthy people" who have decided to put their money where their heart is by trying to help bridge the inacceptable gap between the haves and the have-nots. Responsible Wealth has been lobbying the government, other haves and tried to come-up with alternatives to the present status-quo. J.E. contacted them, offering to make their ideals and action known. They responded as follows and we are currently waiting for the said information to write an article.

R.W. : Greetings, We would love your help spreading the word. If you'd like us to mail you some information (newsletter, brochure), please send your snail mail address.

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If you have any comments, suggestions or contributions, write us :  -- junglemag@yahoo.com -- . The editor can edit or ignore anything which does not fit in with Jungle Echoes' concept.

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