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Snow and cold weather surround a lot of us, as do dark-clothed-huddled-and-hurrying-silhouettes. Thus, we thought we'd offer you Images of warmer climes and atmospheres, bright hues and ecstatic smiles.

Perhaps it is the daily "quiet desperation" (to quote Wells), the inhibitions that we acquire through life, or/and just a basic human need to let go completely, that make these events such a delirium of colors, sounds and emotions. The differences between the three carnivals we have chosen to visit through some images are obvious, but all of them exude intensity, sensuality and creativity. Though there are well-known excesses of violence; though it is regrettable that so many have to save yearlong to escape their reality through a few days of passion; though, once again, commerce and politics (or are the two one and the same ?) have spoiled some of the spontaneity, these are all beautifully creative and exciting events.

Enjoy them with us !


School Grande Rio

The School Grande Rio

The School of Porto da Pedra

The School of Porto da Pedra

The School of Porto da Pedra

The School of Porto da Pedra

More information, credits and where to find more pictures at the bottom of this page.

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If you have any comments, suggestions or contributions, write us:  -- junglemag@yahoo.com -- . The editor can edit or ignore anything which does not fit in with Jungle Echoes' concept.

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All graphics are created by: Grover. ©1998

All the pictures in this article where found at : http://www.liesa.com.br/fotos/fotos.htm Samba sample of the school of Magueira found at : http://www.globalearn.net/expeditions/brazil/expedition/investigate/traditions/itr971017-rio-samba.html

All the contents of this magazine are a copyright of Jungle Echoes (except where otherwise specified) ©1998

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