This is the little story of my life...
- Everything began in a hospital situated right in the middle of Bucharest,the capital of Romania. (If you want to find out more about my country then click here.) Then I was just a mere 'ball of clay'(as would say one of our greatest writers Creanga)...with eyes,too. Now,I'm proud to say that I'm much more than a clod ball.
- Anyway, time passed and as I grew up I felt the need of a playmate so i asked my mother to give me a little brother or sister. My wish was granted and a little baby sister was born when I was about five years old. (I'm not sorry for having a sister even when we fight. : ) )
- After some time I went to live with my grandparents. This happened cause kindergarten, school(1-8 grades) and highschool(9-12 grades) were better and closer to my grandparents'place then those near my parents'place. Because my parents and grandparents lived relatively close to each other, every weekend I would stay with my parents and every Sunday I would go back to my grandparents. The holidays and vacations were almost always spent with my parents unless my grandparents would take me traveling with them during the summer. The same thing did my sister when it was time for her to go to school.
- Then something happend that changed my life and the one of my family. We won visas for USA at a visa lottery organized by the US Government. Wow! That was a surprise! How were we going to get there? It was hard, but with help from our friends and relatives, we did it. So now i'm in USA adjusting with the situation and people. I admit that here I live better than i did in Romania, but still... I miss my country. : ( I will never forget where I come from.
- Now I'm attending college, getting good grades, making friends etc. I'm studying Computer Science at Queens College, which is part of The City University of New York.
- Speaking of making friends, I have to tell you about one of the most important and most special people in my life: my boyfriend, Tim. I met Tim online, on ICQ, in 1999. Did that get your attention? LOL Well, for those of you curious enough, I've made a whole page dedicated to me+Tim. So, to learn more about us, click here. ^_^
- I wonder where life will take me next. It was definitely a big step to come to America but I survived it. ;) I hope everything will turn out great.
Sorry if I bored you; it wasn't my intention. : )
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