Leto - 09/30/00 23:12:09
My URL:http://www.none.com
My Email:does@not.matter
Your greatest wish:: to have one
You have a very interesting homepage, also cool links . I'm looking forward to see some new content :)
ps bec is back , back in black, bec is black or back is black , confusing words ...
BEC - 09/13/00 11:36:51
My Email:bec1@home.ro
Your greatest wish:: sa ma intilnesc cu tine
buna.imi pare rau ca nu am mai scris, de cind nu am mai vorbit cu tine mi-am cam pierdut interesul de net.si momentan nu mai am net.acum sunt la o sala.potgi sa imi scrii pe home .ro dar nu stiu cind ma voi uita la mail.orium mi-ar place sa mai aud ceva d
la tine.te pup.pa
Tim's dad and stepmom(Lois) - 09/08/00 23:33:03
My Email:timgravier@netscape.net
Your greatest wish:: That New York can handle Tim Jr.
We liked your web site. . . take good care of our boy.
Your angel - 06/09/00 19:12:48
My URL:http://www.mindspring.com/~aerogypsy
My Email:aerogypsy@mindspring.com
Your greatest wish:: To have the most beautiful, most intelligent, sexiest, friendliest, and funniest woman in the universe fall deeply and hopelessly in love
with me, so that I can return her love a million times over.
I likes...your site is cool! You have a lot of stuff on your site, which is much better than mine due to the fact that I completely strip mine down on a regular basis. And you know more about HTML anyway...LOL! I am impressed. Keep up the good work.
nd congrats on the Spring Semester!
sorinb - 05/25/00 16:04:10
My Email:sorinb035@yahoo.com
Your greatest wish:: I see soon
leo - 05/18/00 21:51:41
My Email:mediaconcept@fx.ro
Your greatest wish:: change the world
eu am gasit america in Romania.
e formidabil!
Me, the webmaster - 05/16/00 17:49:17
Just checking to see if the guestbook is working. :) Hopefully, it is....
Below you will see messages written between Nov 98 and Aug 99. To see messages written between Aug 99 and May 2000, click here. The ex lanation for this is here.
Scott Bryant - 09/15/99 19:39:49
My Email:emberwolfe19@hotmail.com
Very nice and touching.
Nice story.
Mircea - 09/02/99 04:46:45
My Email:mircean98@yahoo.com
Your dream: sa locuiesc undeva in mijlocul naturii
oiasumi nasai
The Monarch of Homeland - 07/13/99 21:45:23
My URL:http://zap.to/painbrain
My Email:insanepainbrain@hotmail.com
Your dream: to be me....
good day...dana...
i like your name..
Chris(sis) - 07/01/99 22:31:48
Ha! Te-am prins.:)Keep up the good work,si nu mai pune lucruri dastea pe internet.PA!;)
GEORGE BRAXTON - 06/08/99 19:12:53
I sent an email earlier today but just in case here's another message. I think you have made a lot of changes since I last visited your site. So sorry that I can't get the music but you are doing great with your web-site. Keep up the beautiful work Dana.
GEORGE BRAXTON - 06/08/99 19:12:49
I sent an email earlier today but just in case here's another message. I think you have made a lot of changes since I last visited your site. So sorry that I can't get the music but you are doing great with your web-site. Keep up the beautiful work Dana.
GEORGE BRAXTON - 06/08/99 19:12:43
I sent an email earlier today but just in case here's another message. I think you have made a lot of changes since I last visited your site. So sorry that I can't get the music but you are doing great with your web-site. Keep up the beautiful work Dana.
Sander - 05/29/99 18:15:24
My Email:Damensr@worldonline.nl
Good website
Dana - 05/28/99 19:39:01
My URL:http://home.infospace.com/danamc1
My Email:dana_mc@hotmail.com
Your dream: To Fly Away
Great pages! From one Dana to another!
Phony Mike - 05/21/99 22:18:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/or/phonymike/Home.html
My Email:Phonymike@hotmail.com
Your dream: To never wake up
Great site, you seem to be a very nice person. Good luck with life!
Philip Ferraro - 05/13/99 00:19:31
My Email:philip_ferr@hotmail.com or jomommas99@yahoo.com
Your dream: to ba a pro football player!!!
hey baby........i love the site!!!!!its pretty cool!!!how long did it take you???a year???not trying to say youre stupid or anything like that at all. just asking how long it took!!!
Jack - 05/09/99 05:49:10
My Email:Menehene
Your dream: To see your new pictures
Where are the new pictures you showed me like a month ago? LOL. I just stopped to say Hi while having my morning coffee.
Dr. S. E. Beladi - 05/05/99 00:23:48
My Email:Dr.Beladi@worldnet.att.net
Good work Dana.
really enjoyed to see the beautiful design and layout.
Take care and keep in touch.
ICQ 30743805
Kristian - 04/30/99 17:58:55
My URL:http://www.ebar.dtu.dk/~c971808
My Email:k_kamph@yahoo.com
Your dream: Being all i can be
Kewl Page... something to be proud of keep up the good work
Sammy Elnidani - 04/30/99 15:21:03
My Email:Samiola@mailcity.com
Your dream: to have a GF and to graduate
i did like ur site.....its full of nice and fun things!!!!!
bottled water - 04/30/99 12:13:48
My Email:pumbajabba@hotmail.com
Your dream: to fly
kewl site... kewl creator... just kewl :-)
Mohammad Farhan Bin Mohammad Raji - 04/30/99 03:35:10
Your dream: To get married REAL soon, before I reach 20 that is!
Hi there Romanian Dana!
Well it's me, the funny guy. I'm talking to you as well as signing your guest book.. yeah I know, I'm multi-talented.. sigh... Anyway, great page you have here & that story of yours made me cry a river.. *sob* I hope things will only get better for you. I
know how it feels to be in a foreign country.. I've been on planet earth for 19 years & I miss my family in Mars. Anyway, I really should stop blabbering nonsense & end this now so... I'll give ya a 10 out of 10 for your page ok? Talk to you later & byeee
xx the cutest guy online.
Jack - 04/26/99 06:12:33
My Email:Menehene
Your dream: Peace
It looks great, Dana. You've added a lot of links and it's very upbeat. But, where are your new photos?
- 04/12/99 02:33:01
Jack - 04/12/99 02:31:22
Your dream: Peace
Thanks for the new photographs, Dana, and I will look forward to seeing your new ones when you post them here.
Very best of luck with your page.
Always, Jack
Fisk Zhang - 04/07/99 01:39:40
My Email:fisk.zhang@see.epson.com.hk
I did not take anything from your homepage.But this is my first time to visit a personal homepage, so i leave my information here.I think you should simplify the index image of your photo.
david - 03/17/99 20:12:44
My Email:ldpdaw
Your dream: race cars
hey girl very cool sight i didn't have time to look at every thing but i will be back.
George - 03/02/99 03:52:25
My Email:AmerigoVes
Dana, your website is very well done. The musical selections were especially nice. I was looking forward to seeing your picture in at least one of the pictures. Maybe as your page grows you will see fit to add some personal pictures. Keep up the good wor
BelizeRyan - 02/27/99 19:23:59
My URL:http://BelizeRyan@AOL.com
My Email:BelizeRyan@AOL.com
Your dream: A really cool shower
Welcome to the United States and thank you for designing this site with so much care. I like your musical selections and your links, especially to the clip art page.
JACK - 02/27/99 06:57:37
My URL:http://@AOL.com
Your dream: is stil unfolding
Vibe, you never cease to amaze me. I didn't know you were doing this! The site is very well done and I think it will show people a lot about you, your life here and in Romania.
Good luck with it,
Always, Jack
A.D.I. - 02/27/99 05:26:49
You know me! LOL
Keep up the good work. :)
AlexanDru_C1. - 11/11/98 16:51:50
Ti-am vazut site-ul si imi place. Maiales cä ai scris
despre Romania.Singuru lucru , nu se vede primul rind de sus
und poti sä Emailen. A fost greu sä faci site-ul ?
O sä iti mai scriu... Pa
Oreo - 11/03/98 21:50:01
My Email:kwagwi@aol.com
Your dream: catching one of those birds across the street
Hi Dana! I'm so glad that you have moved to America. It is nice to know you. You are so nice to me. I really enjoy it when you come and visit me. Thanks.
ALEX - 10/30/98 17:21:51
Hey woman, nice job on your website
I checked out some of your pictures. Are you not in any of them?
Happy Halloween!