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Redwall Poll Page!


Redwall Art

That's right, I've finally given in...I'm going to begin accepting Redwall art. You will receive points only if I post your picutre somewhere on my site, where you will be creditted as being the illustrator as well. You can draw creatures, weapons, buildings, anything Redwall related. Make sure your art is in full color or shaded very well. I came to the decision to accept artwork after looking at the activities main page, a bunch of text with no picture...I need pictures! Look at this page even....If I post your art, I will give you between 25 and 100 points, depending on how much I like it.


  1. You must submit all art via email.
  2. No artwork over 50k will be viewed, I will send it back and ask you to resize it so it will require less server space.
  3. All legal rights of the original illustrator of the art are automatically waived.
  4. Originl artwork only, you may not submit someone else's work.
  5. Don't feel bad if I don't post your picture, it doesn't mean it's bad. It just means either it doesn't fit my page or my taste in art.