BS7 History

Two hundredths of a second after BS7 officially began, Matthias sent in the first email.
Matthias and his allies successfully killed Swiftstrike, but after that his email caused pure chaos…

Matthias had purchased three spike pits for Sabriel and four targeted at Clearwater. He also commissioned an attack on "all the unarmed," completely unaware that one of them was Duskshaft, who's alliance Sabriel drug nine other competitors into an all out alliance brawl against Matthias and his four allies. Keyla was left out of the fight, as he was the only one in both alliances.

In the bloody battle that ensued Matthias, Bracken, and Moonrock had died from one side and Princess, Duskshaft, Scother, Treeleaf Fleetfoot, and Lord Goljaw died from the other side while many others lost mercenaries and used healing potion after healing potion.

Sabriel then failed in her attempts to assassinate Dotti.

Clearwater placed pit traps in order to kill Dotti, Mark and Mariel. He succeeded in killed Mariel.

Dotti and her two remaining allies went to attack Clearwater, however Keyla once again did not fight as she was allied to both sides. Dotti died in the battle, but with Amber's bow aiding her, she finished her quest and slayed Clearwater despite his allies attempts to save him.

Honorable Rosie put an end to Sabriel's killing streak when her pit trap silenced the wildcat for good. This had been the fourth pit trap set for her.

Arria Arri got her first kill of the battle season when she skewered Sun Paw on the spikes at the bottom of a trap pit.

Fleetscut killed the unarmed Sarem in one on one combat.

Mark's attempt to kill Urian ended in disaster as Ganger came to Urian's rescue and together slew Mark.

Keyla slew the unarmed Mahon without a problem.

Cliff's assassins double-teamed Flashtail and stabbed her in the back.

Keyla also killed Fleetscut with the help of her two remaining allies.

Urian died when he entered battle on Ganger's side of an attack sent on him by Keyla and his ally Cliff.

Congratulations to the final BS7 competitors who made it to day two:

Honorable Rosie
Arria Arri

Treerose fell victim to the first of day two's killing attempts. The squirrel was poisoned with the strongest of poisons by Cliff.

Rosie avoided four pit traps with some luck, and Cliff's plot was thwarted.

Arria Arri was attacked and killed by Keyla and his ally.

Urthwyte fell pray to the pit traps of Ganger.

Cliff avoided 5 pit traps from Ganger, but lost his mercenary and shield in the two traps that didn't fail.

Honorable Rosie made it past the fifth, sixth, and seventh pit traps sent at her today, but the eight one ended her streak. She died, impaled on another of Ganger's pit traps.

Congratulations to the final BS7 Competitors:


Cliff died in one of Ganger's pit traps, placing fourth in BS7.

Ganger was dragged into his own pit as Cliff was falling, placing third in his first battle season.

The BS7 Finalists Are:


In the BS7 Finale Keyla outwits Philippi in the final battle, which can be read here. 1