Fanfic Archive

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the Books



Yes, that's right. Send me your completed fanfiction stories, fully editted for spelling and grammar to be posted on the site, in the Books section. Each fanfic will have it's own rating poll, on a scale of one to five. Members will receive 25 points for all suitable submissions. I reserve the right to not post any story I wish for any reason.

I can't format everyone's huge fanfics to html, so if you have a fanfic that is more than 500 words long please do the following.

1.)After each paragraph please insert <BR><BR><img src="spacer.gif" width=30>
This will seperate paragraphs on the page and indent. Just copy it and paste it after each paragraph.

2.) For chapters place <H3> Before the title and </H3> after the title.
Once again, just copy and past, add the / where needed.

3.) Email it to me as an attached file.
Please use microsoft word or notepad when typing your story and use only the word and notepad or .doc files when sending.

IF your story is under 500 words, you only have to do number 3 unless you just send it to me as a regular email. I will do the rest for you. Please use word count when typing. Thanks.