"They found the garden of the jungle of the blue lagoon, its fruits and happiness near nature. Nature was generous to them. It protected and fed them.Together they experienced the warm embrace of winds and waves of the Pasific Ocean. There they growed to face love, whose power is as essential part of nature as the forever lasting power of the tropical moonshine."

Since equatorial zone areas were discovered people have been imagineing what it'd be like to live there. Mostly it has been daydreaming of islands and lagoons with fine sand, beautiful beaches, clear blue ocean, imaginary shells and colorful imagination-defying plants. There has been Robinson Crusoe, Tarzan, Blue Lagoon and recently Leonardo DiCaprio has been making a movie about the subject.
Thought the sun usually shines in the equatorial one, it also have its storms and hurricanes. Also other kind of ideas about living on a distant paradise-like island, different from the idealistic ones, have been presented. The Lord of the Flies must be one of the most terrifying ones, actually it only has the distant island as a setting, the main point in it is to preach what will happen (according the author's view) if Christian ethics arenīt followed.
I personally don't think that living in a "paradise" island would be as easy as in our dreams, but sure I'd enjoy the warm sunshine and beaches with fine hot sand. What is our opinion, would you like to end up on an island fr far away? Participate in my poll...

- Desert Island Poll -
Have you ever dreamed about being shipwrecked on a desert island?

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