Captain Guzman FINALLY took his crew out for a sailing trip to Catalina and prooved to us why he is a Chilean champion.  He beat the record for the SLOWEST sail out to Catalina: 7 hours!!!  He redeemed himself on the way back since he cut his time in half to 3 1/2 hours.

We were in no hurry, though.  The 8 of us had an awesome time over the 2 days of the trip: sailing, barbecuing on the boat, hiking, scuba diving, screwing up a friend's love interest (it's a long story...), etc.

Here are a few pictures:

 Fernan, Manuel & I at the Two Harbors port in Catalina
Me, Manuel & Captain Guzman "working" in the back, while Fernanda & Jessica (the wives) relax on board. 

Skipper Frank takes us to shore in the dinghy boat.