The Princess   Extraordinary Twins 

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Hullo Extraordinary Twins! Karin and I have been busy as bees--check out Karin's New Christmas Card (link at the bottom of the page) and additions to the Where Are They Now? Section. Write Soon!

Click on the TWIN BOAT to see more about the inaugural voyage of the Dawn Princess, and the antics on board!

Click on the photo to find out more about the extraordinary twins.(CAUTION: many images on this page makes for slow loading!!)

Click at right to find out what some of the twins are up to at home. Send me recent photos to incorporate into the site! Also--general news about what all the twins have been up to since their sad return home.

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Take a peek! UPDATED!
spacedog.gif (3509 bytes) Email me (ROBIN TRAVERS) with rants, raves, gossip, news, announcements!  Click on my name or the SPACEDOG on other pages.
Holly7.wmf (4040 bytes) Karin's XMAS HERE