Merry, the Goddess of Art and Poetry of Dragon Realms, is one of the latest additions to the MUD's pantheon. She is not one of Bora and Forbeo's children, she is a goddess, raised to immortality by Forbeo for reasons known only to him.

Her mortal life was brief, but eventful. Starting out as a rakastan gypsy, she enjoyed the freedom and thrill of a free life on the road, always entertaining and singing wherever she went. When disaster hit the realms in the shape of a great earth quake, her gypsy life collapsed together with the former great city of Xetar. Her spirit was by mystical means transferred to the city of Lanark where she found herself quite comfortable in the criminal underworld. Though rather than securing power and wealth for herself through operating as a thug, she sought the same goals through subtle manipulation, thus gaining an understanding of the finer mechanisms of the nature of sentient species.

As Goddess of Art and Poetry, this background has served her well. It helps her see through the surface and into the core of passion that drives any true artist. Beauty is to her that which brings tears to the eyes and rest to the soul. It can have the form of a natural grove set with summer flowers, adorned with bird's nests with birds' songs accompanied by the chuckling sound of running water, or it can be the artfully composed poem, expressing the strongest of passions with discipline and ingenuity, to convey a genuine experience from one soul to another. She doesn't discriminate. Beauty doesn't serve art any more than art serve beauty, but the direct relationship often experienced between those two, makes her equally appreciative of both. She delights in seeing mortals and immortals alike practice art and creating beauty, or plainly expressing honesty. As honesty to her is inseparable from true art, she regards it highly, embracing alike the honesty that brings joy and the honesty that brings pain.

She works in subtle ways to pave the path for the arts and poetry, usually preferring the indirect approach. This to make sure that the highly individual qualities of passion and honesty remain true expressions, not perverted reflections of her own preferences. Merry is considered one of the good deities. However, her background suggests that she also is familiar with more.. roguish' characteristics. Scholar's would be hard pressed to point out actions of hers that negated her benign attitude in and to life, but, as there certainly are evidence of these in her former mortal life, the general attitude is that it's best to assume she is good until the opposite is proved. On the unspoken sentiment that this is not likely to ever be proved, but one should show caution all the same.

The same scholars would be hard pressed to discern any difference in the ways Merry relates to other gods, be they good, neutral or evil. She treats them all with the same teasing attention, sometimes to their frustration, sometimes to their delight. It is said, though, that she sometimes has heated discussions with the deities that openly embrace evil, pointing out to them that evil carries with it a potential for destruction that often runs opposite to the qualities of Art, which, by nature, is creative. On the other hand, the first mortal ever to be named Master Minstrel by Merry, was a follower of evil who won his title through the ruthless honesty he expressed in his poems, even though they were focused on, and driven by, destructive powers.

However, whom she spends most time with, is Kilth, God of Nature. Merry's joy in beauty and delight in life and creation goes well together with Kilth's outlook and temper, and they are often seen sharing thoughts in this or that sun bathed meadow, or wandering through mountains, admiring the teaming life and the inherent beauty of Nature's display of abundance.


