Seasons Greetings from Stuart McSkimming

Happy Christmas! (or equivalent)

Instead of sending you all cards this year, I am sending you an internet greeting. This is not some horrible mass-produced impersonal greeting, but instead a very carefully thought out, and indeed sincere, greeting, especially for you.

To see your card, select your name from the list. The page that will be shown can be printed off and folded to make a beautiful greetings card.
Hint: It will look best printed on coloured,stiff paper, with the edges cut off. Get rid of silly yahoo window by first clicking on up arrow, then cross.

If you are interested in what I've been up to this year, you can look at Stu's news 2000. It's worth it, I promise. And remember, you're laughing with me, NOT, at me.

View Greeting Card

Please note that whilst I have tried to make your card secure, it is just possible that someone else might figure out how to view your card. Remember, of course, I accept no responsibility for anything, real or imaginary.

Oh and all of these pages were writted and tested on Internet Explorer 5, chances are they won't work on Netscape or anything else.