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Thanks for stopping by :) and have a happy life.

03/07/99 20:59:22
Name: Sister Shirl
My URL: Visit Me


03/07/99 04:43:21
Name: paulie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me State/Country: Maine
How you found my site: guestbook

Nice website.

11/03/98 04:17:17
Name: mary My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
State/Country: la Favorite Site: strike a match Favorite Actor: none
Favorite Actress: none Favorite Day of Week: Sunday How you found my site: you gave it to me

Hi Dar, I am enjoying your site. Just starting tho' will see you in ICQ land soon. Hugs, Mary

08/02/98 00:33:44
Name: mal My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
State/Country: Paradise - American Samoa Favorite Site: sooo many to choose from Favorite Actor: Sean Connery/Mel Gibson
Favorite Actress: Vanessa Williams/Meg Ryan/Julia Roberts/Audrey Hepburn Favorite Day of Week: Sundays - How you found my site: by invitation

see you like cats and George Michael - ME TOO! PLEASE LET ME KNOW when you update some more so I can come by again - I like what you have and your grandkids are adorable!!! In His love, mal

07/16/98 20:52:04
Name: Melanie Tate My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
State/Country: Misawa AB, Japan Favorite Site: AllisonHeart~ Favorite Day of Week: Mondays (I'm off now!)
How you found my site: My guestbook


Hi Dar! Thanks for a lovely visit. Your granddaughter's are adorable! Take care and have a great weekend...=)

07/13/98 18:01:29
Name: marybeth My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
State/Country: Ohio Favorite Actor: tom hanks Favorite Actress: demi moore
Favorite Day of Week: Tuesday How you found my site: surfing

liked the site. had fun visiting. nice meeting you.

07/01/98 17:29:10
My URL: Visit Me


07/01/98 01:44:02
Name: Walter S Palmer My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
State/Country: Penna. U.S.A. Favorite Site: mail Favorite Actor: none
Favorite Actress: Marilyn Monroe Favorite Day of Week: every day How you found my site: with help

am having alot of fun with this computer .

06/20/98 03:00:38
Name: Terri My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
State/Country: NC Favorite Site: Yours Favorite Actor: Mel Gibson
Favorite Actress: Meg Ryan Favorite Day of Week: Friday!!! How you found my site: Personal Invitation

You GO girl!!! I love your webpage. Isn't it fun??? I'm also glad I was #1 in your guestbook. Have a great weekend. I'll be back often to visit.

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