The adventure continues......

You enter your embassy. There appears to be a tupperware party in progress. There are loads of snobbish looking people drinking tea from poxy porcelain pottery. You are offered some tea by a waiter who wears nothing but an apron. You accept the tea, and have a few sips. You stop hallucinating and realise that you are in fact in an office and a clerk is taking down your details.

" say you've lost your cat?? Do seriously expect us to believe that? Have a glass of water and think about what you are saying". You have a couple of sips and to your astonishment....

You are on a beach in Western Samoa. Topless maidens and bottomless brown weightlifters are fanning you with palm fronds and you have a Pina Colada in your hand. The sun is setting. The water is crystalline and inviting. You wonder what will happen if you take a sip of your exotic drink....

What do you do?

You like it here and go for a swim
You take a sip, risking being transported somewhere new

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