The adventure continues....
The hole in the wall leads into a large underground drain, where the water is up to your knees. It is very
dark and when the man lights a lantern rats scatter. You travel along the drain for about 2km before you
come to a dead end. The man sets the lantern down and motions that you must swim through a passage.
You take a deep breath and follow him. He holds on to your arm and in a short time you surface in a chamber
which has a stream of light coming into it. The man takes you towards the light and out onto a river bank.
You are still in the city and the water is brown - it must be the Seine
He takes you down to a barge and you climb aboard. You are cold, tired and still very hungover. Two men appear and after conversing with your guide he leaves. One man says to you, in English, "We take you,
you rest". You easily fall asleep as the barge drifts off down the Seine.
A few hours pass and when you awake when the barge docks. The river is wider, you are in the countryside.
A man leads you through the forest and in a clearing is a secret airstrip. There are several parked rental cars and a small plane is waiting with its engine running. The man says "To America" and points to the plane.
Do you......
Make a run for a rental car and get the hell out of there.
Decide to say no thanks and leave
Decide to board the plane
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