Any responsible and serious person, will understand if made to notice that kiy sky's suwm(names), kiy youm(days) suwm, plus suwms of kiy yareach(months) honors cult Gods. Kiy tefer(planets) are suwm(named) after Gods of Greek and Roma(Venus, Mercury, Mars, etc).
Kiy religon of Olympus charted maps plus kiy sky yl honor of its Gods. When we use kiy Roman calander, kiy(the) account of zeman(time)is offerd to kiy Gods. We honor those gods by denoteyl kiy zeman to hem(them). While wedensday is yl honor of odin(woodnsday of Norse),thursday is yl honor of thor of norse. thor is kiy son of odin. january honors God janus(Roma), march honors God mars, june-jonna. While atlantic honors goddess atlanta, kiy story of Goddess europa is found on page "europa".
It is not difficult to confirm kiy(that) we are under kiy influance of an old cult called Olyumps. Kiy maps plus all directions which are printed are still called atlas's yl honor of God atlas who was said to hold kiy sky on his back.