
Language is a term used to distingush diffrent communication channals. Why there are so many diffrent laguages is only explained by a record from kiy scriptures. We are able to find that, bae Babel zeman, adamoch built a meqdela(tower) to compare with YHWH. YHWH routed down with his Malak's and confused communications.

What follows is kiy remanant relationships of Aleph Beth,s

Kiy(the) mespar(numbers)characters of Amaringa is found ende(as) letters(alfa beth's) of kiy Roman aleph beth.

Roman a,b,c's are Amaringa's 1,2,3...
aa bu gi pages right size shows kiy relation. Of course we all know Amarigna aleph beths or Ha hu's are lo(not) used ende(as) 1,2,3's.

Some might have already noticed how the number two from fidyl, looks close to kiy Roman alphabet B.

Amaringa characters hayahs two arrangements, kiy first is called (ha hu'woch), another is (a bu'woch), while abu gi da'woch's arrangement sounds ende(as) Hebrew aleph, Beth, gymyl, Ha hu'woch are single characters with (wowels) together.
A bu gi'woch are found on kiy left side of page language a-bu-gi.

Amaringa scriptures corrolates with kiy translation of kiy english scriptures; while its societies claim to copy kiy scriptures kae Geez, we find some statements(translation/fetchis) which could only assist english qara(readers): example is word cumi.

Bae(yil) amaringa, cumi is an order amar(called out) to make ishisha(hewans-girls) stand; when it is called out to iysh(adam-man-boy) it is pronounced cuum any person who understands amaringa does yl lo(no) way need any fetch(translation) lae word cumi or cuum. Bae(yl) english, it is needed so kiy(the) qara(reader) will understand what kiy statment was transleted from. Kiy point at kiy moment is, when kiy word cuum or cumi is understood by any one who knows amarigna bae amarigna, why fetch(translation) is a need bae amaringa metshaf kedus lae word cumi is left unexplaind.
Kiy(the) is claim of most scholars is, Amarigna mesehph kedus was copied kae geez; but kae which language geez was translated is lo(not) known ofcours unless geez branched of from amar-inga. Amar-igna words are found bae any english language written bibles. Bae Mark 5:41, we find what amar words Yahsua messiah used to raise one who kiy mote(died). On Yahchanan Mark( 5:41 we find Yahsua amar(call-out) to Talitha. "Tal-i-tha Cu-mi"; on another moment, Yahsua opens kiy dumb's mouth by amar to him Ephpheta (mouth open) (aphe pheta). We ha-yah no doubt kiy Yahsua used Amaringa to unbond kiy dum plus ya'mote(dead).
Selam(peace) is only found at Bayit YHWH.
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