At this
moment, Bayith YHWH seem to be the established publisher of the correct
interpretations of all found in the scriputures. The cefer uses the English language as the
main media while there are few Hebrew releases.
The establishments style of interpretation
is to prove scripture by scripture. Sinces all 613 laws and ordinances
handed to Mosheh are observed by the Bayith, non are taken for granted.
From YHWH's 613 laws, we find
-29 Do not reverence one who teaches in the name of any God.
*Deuteronomy 18:22--
If what a prophet proclaims in the Suwm (Name) of Yahweh does not come to pass, or does not come true;
that is a message Yahweh has not spoken. That prophet has deliberately, wilfully, and knowingly
spoken what is not true. Do not reverence him.
The above law will remind all of us, to listen
and weigh carefully before we accept any that is proclaimed or
propheciesed from any one.
Regardless of any recent world affair, it does not
that YHWH has changed his current addressha from this location.
This Bayith only provides grounds to take crash courses of all the laws
and their application as Yahweh commands.
It is a well known and
understood fact that only Yahweh's chosen join this bayith at this
present zeman. This members will be the ones that will show the
rest of the world, the correct way to handle one self three zeman
(times) a year at the chags (feasts):
and also see through daily problems according to the 613 laws of YHWH.
YHWH's Sanctuary which will be used for the 1,000 years of Yahsua's
melekot, will be built at Yerusalem as propheciesed. Bayith YHWH does
have a claim to a correct plan for the Temple. Yahsua's Melek, is
subjugated to all the laws of Yahweh.
If you stumbled on this site, you might be a called out one. In
order to find out, call 1(800) 613 YHWH.