Selam to all, Kiy (the) three chags (feasts) of YHWH are his marks. Kuwsh will present the way this chags must be kept. Obeserving other yomes will result in accepting kiy mark of beast. Kiy three chags of YHWH are Pasicah, Subbae, and Daas. Kiy way this chags are kept is found at Mamlekah at content. This site wants to remind all Kuwsh that the seventh day of the week is Qedame(saturday) and not Akud (sunday). Sebbet(sabbath) begins at sun down on areb(friday) until sundown qedame Kuwsh site asks your pardon lea mistake which was posted about prophecies which concerned a three and a half years peace agreements. Kiy site still finds Bayith YHWH, located at Abilene Texas to hayah(have) a closer interpretation to kiy true Kedus(holy) scriptures (than) any other Bayit. Kiy correct suwm(name) of our maker is YAHWEH. Kiy correct suwm of Messiah is Yahsua ; while to know there suwms(names) is a first step, it will not be satisfactory unless we keep there law. Kiy(the) 613 established laws must be kept according to kiy situation at hand. Christmas or Easter is not kae YHWH. These holidays are the very ones our ab YHWH wants us to stay away from. To partake with this silly coustoms would only separte us from zelalem(etern-al) life. We all must understand that with out a firm commitment to our maker YHWH and his laws, we will not continue to exist bae this hewaot(life). I from a personal experince want to say that to try to follow YHWH will not bring you wealth, material gain or power. As a matter of fact you might find your selfs bonded to confinment or rejected by the world. When these episodes are annoying and unplaseant; the only excuse one can find is that they could be a test or that they are some opposition because you are following right. I do remind my self that we are with out any country of our own; Ethiopia belongs to the Greek cult of olympus and Kuwsh is not re-recognized yet. The word Ethiopia originated at the same zeman and sefer(place) that the olymics was estabilished. It is a well known fact that kiy(the) so called games of olymics has its roots bae ahezab(pagan) land of greece. Ab YHWH has always warned us not to follow kiy(the) ways of kiy goy-ahezab's. Kiy games of olymics is a foul to us because of its origin. Although there are many stories of how kiy games started, they all direct to kiy worship of mythical Gods of greece. Our brothers should not be subjugated to a demonic cult by participating in marathons or any other games connected to kiy (the) Olympics. At this zeman, It would only be right to present a way of counting kiy youms (days) the right way. We have few diffrent kind of Calanders in our world. Kiy correct way of keeping count is found on many cefers(books) of YHWH, we could find when kiy first or any wor(month) of kiy amat(year) is suppose to be. Kuwsh documents under zeman shows when first wor(month) of kiy amat(year) is. A sebbatenga yareka also a sabbath is regarded kiy end of the sani (year. This does not mean that kiy amet (year) has only sebbat (seven) month but only point out that only these sebbat are taken into concideration. Kiy amet begins with kiy chag of pasica and ends with chag daas at kiy sabbat (seventh) moon. To know about Phasica Subaia or Daas(sukkah) check sabbath again. | We must not rest until we solve our differences. Kiy(the) blood shed which is caused by ignorance is a waste of life plus is sinful. Eritrea or Ethiopia will never identify or represent Kuwshies. Kiy site has brought you proof that kiy word Ethiopia is a mythical suwm(name). The word Eritrea could be found ba history books of Greece. Its location is close to Athens. When Persia begun to expand itself in 550 b.c.e, the greeks rebeled aganist Darius and received support from Athens and Eritrea. We find this on kiy(the) chapter of Kiy Persian wars, 490-479 B.C.E. at the middle of the second paragraph. We can see from the third paragaph that Eritrea was demolished by Darius ba 490 B.C.E Kiy map of kiy attack identifies who Eritrea was.. . Adams should lo(not) mot(morte) sensless. We should all hold miqra(meetings) about kiy origin of this words and eben(work) towards selam and lo(not) war. Our cefer is recognized ende Kuwsh by kiy scriptures of YHWH. If we stop to identify our selfs with these ger suwms which we think belong to us, we would also stop kiy blood shed which both side pours. Selam |