Band Kuwsh

Band-Kush Melek Yahsua

Yahsua Messiah mentioned yil Cefer(book)YAHWEH, is kiy Melek to all.

Kiy Mamlekah will hayah a ordinance which was handed down to Mosheh from YAHWEH.

Melek yahsua will hayil(enforce)YAHWEH's laws handed down to Moseheh. If we remember kiy scriptures correctly; last zeman Yahsua was here, he established YHWH's laws. Yahsua said; "If we look at our gorebayit(friends) Ishisha(wifes) with lust eyes, let alone lay with her(them); we hayah commited adultary.


Kiy taewo-ra is found from; Orit Zelewy:22 - Yahsua:22.

Melek Yahsua will not tolerate goy(pagen) chags(celebrations); Ledet(birthdays) or so called public(holidays)
We only find three references to ledets on kiy scriptures. One is on kiy old testament, which is lae(for) a pharao and kiy other two are are found on kiy new testament and belong to Herod. We do lo find any account of Yahsua celebrat his ledet


Sabbath is a Kedus kidan YHWH made when he ended his eben(work). Sabbath is a kidan lae zel-alem(forever).

Sabbath starts on ereb(friday-evening)and is until Sabbat darkness. On Orit zetsat(exodus)23:14-17-YAHWH asks us to gather "three zemans bea saniy(year) gather yl befit(front) of Me".
Kiy are called High sabbaths. Kiy are ende follows;

Maekar(week) chag
Mektecha(tabernacle) chag.
Besides kiy Sabbaths and High Sabbaths, YAHWEH asks us to remeber first youm(day) of yarechs(moons).

Kuhies do want to follow Yahsua, but hayah few defrencess;
Kiy passage where Yahsua says" He will raise a temple yl three youms(days) if it was demolished, is taken by Kusies exactly as says. Many scholars proclaim to translate it ende(as) he refered to his body. ACTx:10:30 is an exact document to how he returned to life. Band Kushie do not accept a passage which qoutes Yahsua "If any one hits you on kiy right side of your face turn your left side lae hem" It is your choice to do what (that) says, but kiy band suggest you withdraw and rut(run). Band is on kiy wait lae explanation about kiy punch on kiy face ke Yahsua.
Kushies also does not understand Yahsua's meleket, when he said " one who is first will be last and one who is last will be first" but turns around and says he who ha-yahs(has) (more) will be added le him but he how ha-yah lo(not) what he ha-yah will be taken from him. Kiy message could confuse kiy ones who dont know anything are yah-any thing. Most kushies do not ha-yah anything. Yahsua says he will take away from kiy who do lo(not) ha-hay anything. Kushies do not want to be bonded all aferkush was colonized or neo colonized lae life. We ha-been subjugeted to racial discrimination plus total archic type rule. Kusies turned to kiy scriptures because of all doctrine was tried and was expermented on black Kush. Spanianardes were ticked to death when kiy arabs sold black as slaves to him kiy still call black people niggers. Blacks are pets but nothing lea spanish people. kiy do lo(not) consider he as humans but try to make kiy feel subjucts to kiy roman/greek type of life all ha-joy.
black kiy poor lines are relocated to projects while spanish families start with bayits(houses). Kushies do not call Yahsua king. We call him Melek.

Le any one who did lo(not) check sub contents, correct suwm and Mamlakah we suggest you all do.

Kushies do not want to be bonded to any body or group all Aferkush was colonized or is neo colonized lae life. We ha-been subjugeted to racial discrimination plus total archic type rules. Barenat(slavery) could be our middle suwm(name) kiy world will lo find any body who was brultalzed or barbericaly raped mentaly or phsically ende(kushies) Kushies are on kiy turn to scriptures plus to kiy bayit of YHWH because kiy want a solution to our immidiate needs. shelter cloth and employment. Kushies ha-yah a question to kiy Bayit of YHWH who calims to be kiy conductors of ordinances of Yahwehs bayit.
a fair payment would be made if both worked seven(7) saahs and ebend(laboured) 1 saah are paid kiy same amount.Why is mamlakah of YAHWEH portrayed by Yahsua end unfair.
Kushies find some episode's ke book of YHWH bondyl. If we remember Esau and yacqobs stories. Yacob takes mebareq(bless) kea his welage(Issaac) which was lo(not) his.Issace cant Baraq Esay because he handed kiy barake to Yacob. Issace was shengled(decepted) which ended with Esawe iende(as) yetebedela(victim) with no solution. Kusies well follow YHWH's mamlakah with Melek Yahsua but want solutions to kiy kind of problems.

Bayit YHWH seems it is on kiy follow of laws of YHWH. Barent(slavery) laws are yiled(forced) bae bayit YHWH. Kuishes do not mind to sell kiy own or ones owns if it only lasts kiy 6 sanies ende(as) it says yl YHWHs cefer.

We will follow Yahsua because he promises a life with out end. but a miserable life with out any gratification could end with tragedy.

We will study all kiy laws but we will not tolerate to be handed to kiy spanish to be sold to kiy Britsh to be assulted or to any colonizer or neo colonizer to be raped. we do not want to use nuclear wepons but will not stand still when we are abused mentally or phsically.

If you all are lo (not) able to abide with Melek meckure dont think about us, let alone try to dictate our lifes or raise your band-e-ras on Afer-Kush.