Kiy majority of people who call on a messiah ha-yah been shangyled to call on a ganen(demonic) suwms. any cult established with its own laws or rituals is astray kae truth. Kiy suwm eya-sus or jesus(iesus) is lo(not)kiy correct suwm of our messiah.
We will find kiy suwm yasus to relate to a baylon cult. Kiy sun god was tawaki(known) as guburu too; a word which is used to be tax yl babylon. It is also translated ende(as) ebed(works). Gebryes is misconcepted to a translation of works of Yahsua. kiy suwm Gebryes ha-yah its roots bae Babylonia way befit Yahsua Messiah zeman.
Kiy ritual is made to gebaru(glory) with kiy a 5 point star ritual. YHWH says do lo make any image(carwe) kea semay or kae ereths; while kiy is second comandment to build idolic oblisks or "t" is to transgress YHWHs commandment
yay-sus is lo other but god zues of olympia.