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Simple advice

A few simple tips on how to use a condom and how to protect yourself from Sexually transmitted diseases.


Crabs (Pubic Lice) show symptoms of intense itching with small nits (eggs) on pubic hair. Treat partners of the last 3 months in the same way at the same time with a special cream, shampoo or spray. Wash all clothing and bed linen.

Scabies shows symptoms of itching (worse at night) and a rash on the body. Treat partners of the last 3 months in the same way at the same time with a special cream, lotion or ointment. Wash all clothing and bed linen.

Thrush (Candidiasis) Men have itching and may have a red rash on the head of the penis or a discharge under the foreskin. This may occur when using antibiotics or when immunity is lowered. Men can take salt water baths for treatment. Creams are also good for local treatment.

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Genital Warts are fleshy or flat lumps on genitals. Condoms provide some, but not total protection.

Syphilis often show painless ulcers usually on the genitals, later swollen glands, rash and hair loss. Partners must be tested and if found positive treated. Current advice is not to have sex until cleared.

Genital Herpes shows painful, red blisters, little sores or ulcers, flu-like symptoms and sometimes discharge. Partners may or may not catch herpes but should be tested. Condoms provide some, but not total protection. Do not have sex when open sores are present.

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NSU (Non-specific Urethritis) Men have discharge from the penis and pain when pissing. Partners must be tested & treated. The best advice is not to have sex until you are cleared. If you do have sex, use a condom.

Chlamydia Men may have watery or thick discharge from the penis and pain when urinating. Recent sexual partners need treatment. The best advice is not to have sex until you are cleared. If you do have sex, use a condom.

Gonorrhoea Men may have discharge from the penis or rectum, pain in testicles and pain when pissing. Partners must be tested & treated. Current advice - no sex.

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