Odds and Ends

Here's a bunch of random things that help bring back such fond memories of my trip to Brazil!

English Lessons and History...

Brazil Facts Take a look at some basic facts about the country of Brazil.

The Japanese Brazilians Read up on the people whom we primarily minister to through the JEMS South America missions program.

English Games Here are some of the games and activities that I used during my classes to help me teach English.

Slang dictionary One day in class, we did a lesson on slang (giria). To help my students, I compiled a list of slang words complete with definitions and examples.

Web pages of other JEMS workers

Chongsun Ahn Chongsun is a University of Washington grad and he went to Prudente in 1998 and Manaus in 2000. Here is a picture of us when we finally got to meet!

Garrett Chan went to Prudente in 2000, leading me to believe that all JEMS workers who go there end up making webpages. They treated him very well, ask him about his new wardrobe!

Kristie Kaneta is yet another UW grad, she went to Suzano school and Camp Shalom in 1999 and she's got some pictures of her team on her page.

Amy Phillip's page has some Brazil stuff including more pictures of the churrascuria! A 2 time veteran, she's been to English Camp, Paraguay, Itaquera, and Adamantina.

Links to things I came to love in Brazil

I am still having withdrawal sypmtoms due to a lack of Antarctica guarana here in the United States. Antarctica is absolutely my most favorite soda on the planet!

My favorite TV program was Casseta e Planeta. It is like Saturday Night Live, only it's funny! I especially enjoyed Mr. P.M. and Cassetubbies... Ahhh, I miss this show!

Guga! You knew there had to be a tennis link somewhere... Here's the official site for Gustavo Kuerten, the 1997 French Open champion, and one of Brasil's most beloved athletes.

Palmeiras is my favorite soccer team in Brazil... But at the church, only Tiemi and the Ginel's have love for this team!

To please almost everybody else at church, I will also include a link to the web page for the Corinthians soccer team, also a very good team.

However, everyone's favorite soccer team is the Brasilian National Team.

Here are some pictures of my favorite Brazilian Soccer players.

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