So you're in Brasil teaching English... Good stuff!
But how do you do it? One of the toughest things for me
during my stay in Prudente was having to come up with
different lesson plans for each of my four classes! But
I'm assuming that this will no longer be a problem since
JEMS will do more English teaching training, right Nic?
:) Well, just in case you need some help after all or
just want to see the things I did in my classes, read
To come up with the main lesson plan for my classes
wasn't too bad. Basically it's just like how you learned
a foreign language in high school! When you're a beginner,
your lessons should revolve around basic things like learning vocabulary, verbs, things like that. And once you are a little more proficient in your speaking abilities, you're ready to
tackle things that involve more dialogue, like the culture (they love to hear about American culture!), holidays, slang, geography, American sports, food, and just about anything else! But the hardest part of the class is often that last ten minutes when you're done with your lesson... You don't want to let them out early, so what do you do? Here's some of the different games I played with my students to help them learn English and fill up the dead time. I've split them up into two categories, games for Beginning
and Intermediate students, and games for more
Advanced students.
Those were just a few of the activities I did. Of course
there were so many more! And remember the classes are totally up to you... These
are just some ideas to help you along! Whatever you do,
remember to be FLEXIBLE and have fun with your students!
Happy teaching!
Got any cool teaching ideas or games that I didn't
list here? E-mail me,
and I'd love to hear your ideas and add them to my page!