Joshua Patrick Davis was born on 22.02.2002 at 17:19pm. At the time he was 2.7kg (about 6.1 lb), 48cm long, and with a bit of a bump on his forehead from all the activity trying to get out. Here are a couple of pictures of him on his first day outside. He doesn't often show us his eyes because he loves to sleep, but they are a dark slate grey at the moment. Hair is brown, although some people say it may be ginger. There isn't enough to tell!
Here is his picture gallery ....
Josh picture gallery 2 (0->4 weeks)
Josh picture gallery 3 (0->4 weeks)
Josh picture gallery 4 (0->4 weeks)
Josh picture gallery 5 (0->5 weeks)
Josh picture gallery 6 (3->4months)
Josh picture gallery 7 (6months)