"This is my homepage guide map!"

According to The United States Naval Observatory's Atomic Clock, it's
Here in West Covina, California
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HomePage Editing, for New Members
"This page is a temporary page for the new geocitiy Member!"

Sun! Please, Build your beautiful homepage!

If you want to edit your homepage file with the Geocity member-ship, please use the File management utility(File manager) of Geocities main page! And if you want to learn or study about the HTML Editing, you can find the Guide of HTML edit at this NCSA site
click here to edit your homepage! You can go directly to members utility menu for editing of homepage!

"What a beautiful it is!"

Member Utilities

The File Manager
Our File Manager combines our most popular tools all in one convenient place, including the Home Page Editors, EZ Upload and Disk Usage. Enter your member name and password once and you're on your way!
The GeoGuide
NEW! Put this cool customizable tool on all of your personal pages and enter to win big-time prizes in the Great GeoGuide Sweepstakes.
NEW! Personalized for your Home Page with improved performance.
Help us bring the world to your GeoCities doorstep!
Choose keywords for your site and we'll help Web surfers find you through all kinds of online directories. Just fill out this simple form.
- The GeoCities help files
Search GeoCities
- Use our search engine to locate pages in GeoCities or to look up an email address.
Member Lookup Utility
- Find a member's home page with our new lookup utility.
Move to a Different Address
- Relocate within GeoCities and your entire directory moves with you.
Password Utility
- Did you lose your password? Get it back fast right here.
Personal Profile Editor
- For reviewing and updating everything in your GeoCities account.
Profile Deletion
- For deleting your entire GeoCities profile.

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I'll put some others on this page
If you have any Question about the Geocities Utility, please send it to me by email sang010@geocities.com

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