
Naturist Center Bagheera


Siutated next to a 3 km long sandy beach, the domain also has a beautiful woord where you can enjoy a walk in the nude. Lots of facilities are provided (snackbar included). A naturist permission is mandatory.

From the airport in Poretta, follow the RN193 and drive along Casamozza, Folelli, Moriani beach, Alistro (watchtower) and the bridge over the Bravone. About 50 further on the RN198 Bagheera is indicated.

Naturist Center Riva Bella



This big international naturist paradise is over 70 hectares and is situated next to a beautiful sandy beach (more than 1 km long). My correspondent says that it can be very crowded during summer (he was there in 1998). You need a naturist permission to enter and you must undress on entrance.

From the airport in Poretta, follow the RN193 along Casamozza, Folelli, Moriani beach, Alistro (watchtower) and the bridge over the Bravone. About 60 km further on the RN198 take left; Riva Bella is indicated from there.

Porto Vecchio

Naturist Center La Chappia

Naturist Camping Villata