Welcome to my Guestbook!

Edward Bullough - 11/19/99 04:30:37
My URL:http://www2.egenet.com.tr/~sultan
My Email:ebullough@yahoo.com

Nice to see your pictures of Turkey. I will be revamping my web page next year will give you a link Ted

Lynne - 10/30/99 20:09:08
My Email:davlyn.co.uk.


Bob Winkler - 04/21/99 05:36:14
My Email:rlwinkler@yahoo.com

Love your site! Am living in Eskisehir but will leave this November. Trying to get as much sight seeing in as possible. Enjoy your travels, and good luck! Bob

Jonathan - 10/21/98 04:48:43
My Email:jonwaterfield@msn.com

Great page - as it was two months ago when I looked at it! But what happened to the updates!!!? How about some pictures of the garden, or Haggis' party?

nigel & brian - 09/29/98 21:42:36
My Email:nigel@dowsett2.demon.co.uk

excellent pictures, brian has already started to plan next years holidays, possibly Turkey!

- 09/29/98 19:31:00

Absolutely Fab!

Theresa Da Silva - 09/24/98 00:36:58
My Email:theresad@amclub.org.sg

wow, David & JP, what a great job. Ok, Ok so you sent this to me years ago, but your click on thing had to many W's i.e. http://wwww - & it has taken me this long to figure it out. Great job guys. I want to come to next time - please? Love Terri

- 09/03/98 07:02:07

great photo's!

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