My Biography (aka 'Life Story')

                                "The best way to bring focus into your life is never to place a
                                         question mark where God has put a period."

                              Well, here we are! It's almost the year 2000 and this young 
                              web-master is nearly seventeen. Life begins to take on a new
                              meaning at this age...perspectives are now more serious and
                              focused on a supreme goal. And what is that goal in my life? To
                              live a life filled with thanksgiving to God, growing in wisdom
                              and love every day, and encouraging others in this pathway. And
                              the cherished hope? To one day meet my Saviour, my family and
                              friends, and my guardian angel at the Second Coming!

                              I've learned a lot this past year, trials have not left me
                              alone, but neither has God! His love and devotion are far
                              greater than my imagination has ever dreamed, and the care He
                              has for me is incredible. Learning all this has helped me to
                              realize what a benefit focus is. Let me read you something out
                              of one of my favorite books, You're Born An Original, Don't
                              Die A Copy!.

                              "Jesus said in Luke 14:33, 'Whosoever he be of you that
                               forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my
                               disciple.' Being a disciple of Christ requires focus. When you
                               walk in focus, you'll become passionate about your dream; you'll
                               find it expressed everywhere--you can almost smell it...It is
                               important that people know what you stand for; it is equally
                               important that they know what you won't stand for. We cannot
                               do everything we want to do, but we can do everything God
                               wants us to do."

                               God hasn't given up on me, and I most certainly haven't given up
                               on Him! Without Him, I have no hope. Life becomes a monotony of
                               do's and don'ts, sickness, depression, and complete sadness. But
                               the opposite is golden! Even though I have many faults and
                               weaknesses, God is working on me, as a potter would mold a pot
                               of clay. "The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me." Psalm
                               138:8 "God is continually perfecting and fine-tuning each of us.
                               He wants to fulfill all of His promises and purposes in
                               our lives." --John L. Mason

                               My future is broad and full of important choices and decisions.
                               I have learned that the best way to handle the things which are
                               unknown is to 'Let Go, And Let God'. He has promised! At my
                               baptism a little over a year ago, my aunt read me this text.
                               Since then I have claimed it over and over again and it really
                               has given me strength! "Being confident of this, that he who
                               began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until
                               the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6

                                     God's way becomes plain as we walk in it!

                               The below links lead to articles which I have collected or written
                               myself, all on the topics of love, prayer, and other elements of
                               Christian living. May you be blessed!

                                Why I'm Thankful for Trials
                                Brand New! Our Daily Preparation