Kia ora e aku rangatira
kua tae mai ki tenei wharangi!
Mauriora kia tatou katoa!

Here we are back in Aotearoa after 3 long, adventurous years in Japan.
We'll keep you posted during our transition time here in NZ before we report from our next stop, Crete next month.

Hories up!
Tha Rewharewha's
E-mail us: or
This website was constructed to let our family and friends know how we are and what we've been up to, and to provide a place where you can give feedback and let us know how you are.
So since you are here, have a tipi haere around, someday soon there`ll be some other new things to have a look at!

Cool, kia pai to koutou ra.

Na maua iti nei
Na Wikeepa raua ko Frances
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