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Enterprise JavaBeansTM Tutorial:
Building Your First Stateless Session Bean

by Tom Daly and Uday Shetty

About this Tutorial

The intention of this tutorial is to demonstrate how easy it is to build server-side Java components using the Enterprise JavaBeans component model. In fact, ease-of-use and ease-of-programming are key. It is designed to enhance your understanding of the Enterprise JavaBeans Specification, and the Enterprise JavaBeans model by providing concrete examples and step-by-step guidelines for building and using Enterprise JavaBeans applications.

This tutorial shows you how to program Enterprise JavaBeans, and how to install, or deploy, them in an Enterprise JavaBeans container. Note: in Enterprise JavaBeans terminology the installation process is called deployment. The Enterprise JavaBeans Container is provided by the Enterprise JavaBeans server vendor, so is not something the programmer has to worry too much about.

By following the eight steps, and working through the examples, you will become familiar with the fundamental pieces of the Enterprise JavaBeans model, and create the Enterprise JavaBeans version of the "Hello World" program.

To get the most out of this tutorial you need to be familiar with at least the basic concepts of the Enterprise JavaBeans programming model. Programmers who are not familiar with Enterprise JavaBeans should refer to the Java Tutorial, and the white paper, Enterprise JavaBeans Technology.

About the Example

The example introduces a complete stateless session enterprise JavaBean with source code for all the components. It is functionally equivalent to the perennial "Hello World" program. It is the simplest of all enterprise beans to write, and demonstrates the Enterprise JavaBeans model with minimum complexity.

The example is built assuming access to the BEA Weblogic Enterprise JavaBeans server, which is mainly for convenience as an evaluation version of this server, and is available on the Web, (see Step 1 for BEA Weblogic download and installation instructions). The code for the bean should work in any Enterprise JavaBeans-compliant container or server. The only changes required should be in the deployment process and perhaps the client code. The diagram below describes the architecture of the DemoBean example and its client program.

To continue the tutorial, click here.

[ This page was updated: 5-Nov-99 ]

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