This Page
Is Dedicated


Rin Tin

December 17, 1999
I know this is going to sound really corny, but take one moment to remember Rin.
One year ago today, Rin passed into doggie heaven.  For Jim and I, it was the
worst day ever.  But it was a decision that we don't regret.

Rin was a happy dog.  She greeted everyone at the door.  There wasn't a person
she didn't like (except one insurance guy) in her 9 years that she spent with me.
She protected our home by barking and looking mean... even if she was afraid of
thunder.  Rin had a knack to know when I was sad or not feeling so well.  She loved
kids and wouldn't let anyone spank them when she was around.  I'm sure most of
you remember her licky kisses.  Rin was a very licky dog... icky at times.

As she got older, we saw her cute little face turn gray.  Her eyes started to
become a little milky.  She even got a little moody.  Rin fought all the way.
She'd run the fence but not as long as she used to.  I think her hearing started
to go too.  We realized she had a tumor and made her as comfortable as we
could.  To see RinTin hurting was unbearable, although she put up a pretty good act.

A year ago today, I woke up and looked at her.  It was like we both knew it was
time.  And, as much as I hated it, I granted her peace.  Rin fought all the way.
I somehow knew she was worried about me.  I reassured her that I would be
okay, that I had Jimmy and Moogie to watch over me.  Then she was gone.

Please take a short moment to think about her today.  I know she thinks about all
of us.  Jimmy and I have missed her every single day since.


P.S.  Thanks for reading this... it's kinda like therapy for me. I'm thinking of
making a web page dedicated to Rin.  If you'd like to share a time, memory or
something funny that you remember, email me and I'll put it on the page.

Rin's Email ] Rin's Email 2 ]


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