Bureau-of-Information | ||||||||||||||||
FORECLOSURE PREVENTION* LOSS MITIGATION* DEBT RECONCILATION*. Knowledge means to "Know what is written on the ledger." There is a difference in having information or knowledge. Your mortgage contract gives you more leverage than they will tell you about. Get the facts. You have 6 or more options than they will tell you about. CALL: 214-440-9296 1-815-361-0613 | ||||||||||||||||
My Favorite Links: | ||||||||||||||||
Dallas Central Appraisal | ||||||||||||||||
Housing and Urban Devolpment | ||||||||||||||||
IRS | ||||||||||||||||
White Pages | ||||||||||||||||
My Info: | ||||||||||||||||
Name: | Stanley | |||||||||||||||
Email: | bureau_of_information@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||