Engineering  Links and Resources



you can find a list of engineering companies in this Engineering companies directory and engineering institutes and associations can be found in this Engineering Institutes and Associations directory. For engineering jobs and graduate jobs ( engineers ) look at this free Engineering Jobs list. Finally if you are looking for courses here is a guide to colleges and universities around the world Engineering Universities and Colleges


As far as engineering careers is concerned this engineering careers advice page should start you off well when it comes to applying for engineering jobs this Job Application Letters page for engineers should be helpfull. Use the Preparing a CV / resume page to help prepare your resume depending on what sort of resume you want to present you can use the Professional CV / resume Preparation, Technical CV / resume Preparation, Project CV / resume Preparation, Graduate CV / resume Preparation, Chronological CV / resume Preparation. If you haven't found a job yet, it is important to prepare yourself for the many hidden opportunities, these are discussed in this How to prepare for job hunting page, which then leads you to this How to prepare for job interviews page.

All these pages belong to engineers international. and remain their copyright.

Web design, development and online marketing tools for engineers:

Who should be online: 

It is important to find out if you are ready to go online before shelling out for a web designer. This page on B2B & B2C eCommerce Solutionss will get you started. This is another free information portal covering everything web related from the question
Is There a  Need For A Website ? which includes eCommerce Preparation and  How to be an eCommerce Success. The final part of your business analysis is deciding between 
B2B or B2C? 

Market Research:

Leave no stone unturned and leave nothing to chance, you can read this tutorial on market research solutions and establishing your Niche Market which leads you into a detailed guide on market research planning. Also covered are the methods of product analysis, market analysis and client analysis. all of which have various Business Effects. A good Strategic Business guide armed with a SWOT Analysis will finish the exercise for you and your business. If you want to read how to go about obtaining a business website, whether you do it yourself or hire a professional, it is always useful to know exactly what to expect. At least then you can feel comfortable that you are not being taken for a ride

Kusashi home automation solutions
home automation
Home automation links

Ebusiness solutions:

The next page deals with ebusiness solutions or e-business solutions as is often preferred. 

next: E business solutions

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