Ending A Relashionship Without Love

Chi Chi VS GOKU You may wonder, what's the point of dedicating a page to breaking up some stupid cartoon characters? I would 1st off reply "THEY ARE NOT STUPID, just Chi-Chi." and then reply "'cuz Goku is hot and he deserves better!" Then most people go, "Geez you have problems..." I don't care.. I'm not alone, I've seen websites dedicated to finding out what size Bulma's bra is! I found that funny.. (My friend Brett wanted the adress to that!) Well back to spliting them up. Here are my reasons on why they shouldn't be together and support that Goku isn't enjoying his marriage as much as he would be if he was happy.

Proof On Why They Shouldn't Be
1) First off Goku was forced by Chi Chi's father to marry his daughter.
2) Goku never really mentions ChiChi except while he is asleep in Princess Snake's home/stomach. He mentions Gohan a lot and says he can't let Earth down.. He never really sounds very intrested in Chi Chi anyways.
3) Chi Chi is just mean. She never let Gohan do what he wanted to do. The only thing she did was push Gohan too hard to study! She never really cared about Goku but she just wanted some big strong man to defend her!
4) Goku is hot! He can do better! Just 'cuz he lives in a rural area and doesn't have acess to some nice good looking chicks shouldn't mean he has to settle for less.
5) I don't know if Goku even knows what a divorce is! If he did.. =)
6) Only one good thing came out of the marriage- Gohan. I mean if Gohan didn't turn out to be as hot as his dad; I soooo would've been against that from the begining..
7) How do Saiyans have sex? The same way as humans? Has anyone seen them sleep together? I haven't. You know he could have gotten her pregnant by touching her finger or something! He's a Saiyan.. anything is possible!
8) He always looks afraid of her. I have two images as examples. The one above ^ and another one wears she holding on to his arm at the botton of this page. She's always trying to cling on to him and he looks like he's thinking "#^#@$ off!"
Goku doesn't look happy to me.. 1