the Chinese Choir De-Cal Page

~Basic Info~
Course Title: Chinese Choir
Term: Spring 2004
Faculty Sponsor: Sophie Volpp
Course Facilitators: Cindy Song, Hao Liu, Angel Luo, Feng Pan
Time: Wednesday 5:30-7:30pm
Location: 128 Morrison
Office Hours: Wed 5-5:30pm
Office Hours Location: 128 Morrison
Contact Email: xsong@berkeley.edu
First Day of Class: January 28th, 2004
Enrollment: Chinese 98(Fr,So)/198(Jr,Sr) CCN: 20684/20756 (Entry codes will be distributed in class)(Both CCN's are for the same class)
No Pre-requisite Necessary!

4/12: The pinyin version of the song: Cai Lian Yao (for girls) has been uploaded. Click here.

4/1: The Spring Concert - Chinese Choir Open House is on May 6th, Thursday at 6:30pm. We will require singers to come early to prepare. Please tell your family and friends to come. We'll have flyers linked in later announcements for you to print and post. Free refreshments provided.

4/1: 2nd homework is due on the day of our final rehearsal: May 5th. The excerpts we found are from "Yellow Music" by Andrew Jones, a professor at Cal. You could find the book in our libraries. HW2

3/18: Instead of having two more quizes, we will have 2 more homework assignments. The Upcoming homework is due the next class March 31st. Hw1

2/27: Please print this song for the next class. Chang Cheng Yao

2/16: Thanks to Hao Liu for scanning the music sheets with pinyin. Please print them for the next class if you don't have a copy already.
Click here.

2/16: Thanks to Shiyue Cheng for taking extra time to record these. Please check them out to help you practice your part.
Click here.

2/10: This class is affiliated with Chinese People Union, an Undergrad student organization that emphasizes on Cultural, Academic, and Social aspects. Please check out the CPU website.

Course Description
Course Syllabus

Copyright 2003-2004 Cindy Song geocities.com/cindyxsong/
Last Update 4-1-04