Chez Stacy
I'm finally getting around to updating this after who knows how long.  The links had not been working, and my counter and guest book had disappeared for some reason.  All should be ok now.  Please sign my guestbook and let me know you were here.  Thanks!

Links to some of my favorite places
Boston University
Boston University Bands
Kickapoo HS
American Youth Foundation
My hometown
My adoptive hometown
You may be wondering about the picture.  It's a shot of Grenoble, France, where I studied for a semester.  You can't see them very well, but the "bubbles" in the bottom left corner take you up to the old Bastille (prison) at the top of one of the many mountains.  Caroline et Stephane, si vous lisez ce site, c'est quoi le nom de cette montagne?
Great Big Sea pics!
Click here to view My Scrapbook
Please stay tuned . . . this site is a work in progress . . .
visitors to this site since 6 July, 2001