Bandung Map


Below is a map of our town which someone else scanned in. There are six main regions in Bandung:

  • Bojonagara (North-Western & Redish) - This is where we live and where BIS is located. The Airport is also in the southern part of this region.
  • Cibeunying (North-Eastern & Green) - BIAS, the Zoo and Toko Setiabudhi (good western grocery store) are all located in this region.
  • Tegallega (South-Western & Yellow) - this is a very densily populated part of town and has some good shopping areas near down town.
  • Karees (Central & Hot Pink) - the older central part of town is here as well as Cafe Milan and some other nice spots excluding the Immigration offices.
  • Ujung Berung (Eastern  & Purple) - I must admit that I don't know much about this part of town.
  • Gede Bage (Eastern & Light Blue) - same as above.

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