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Easter 2003 Easter with close friends here in town. Hiding the eggs - a covert operation. Seth on the move and Kerrie stopping to show what she found early on in her new Easter dress which Grandma made. The bleachers. The search continues for more than 30 mins. Each person found 11 eggs. The green and yellow ones were the hardest ones to find. The mad dash to find the last egg. Its hidden high but they're all looking low. There is a Rp 10,000 (or $1.10) reward for who ever finds this egg. Seth already spend all his allowance in advance until the end of this summer so he is very determined. (Left) The last egg is found ! (Right) But who laided all these eggs in the first place Easter Day Baskets and a brief
Easter play at Church where Kerrie & Krissy go to the tomb
(right) and meet Seth as the Angel (below).