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Automotive Repair Shops

  • Auto2000 - a Toyota dealer & repair shop which uses real Toyota parts but a bit expensive (Telephone: 2000-100).
  • Jl Bancuey - is the place to go to buy just about anything for your car. Most of the stuff is used & cheap. If you ever get something stolen from your car, odds are you will find it on sale on Jl. Bancuey.
  • CV Sejahtera - Dunlop tire dealer (Jl. Dr. Cipto No 38 Telp 435-814)

Public Transportation ("Angkutan")
For a complete guide to the public transportation system in Bandung look for the brochure entitled "Rute Angkutan Kota Bandung" at one of the larger bookstores in town. Below is a link to a few of the routes which I have put online. Others will come as I have the time.

Bandung Train Station
Bus Terminals & Rentals (coming)

Car Rental

  • Cipaganti - usually includes the driver (Jl. Cipaganti 184 Telp 233-413
  • Vans & Kijangs can also be rented (with a driver) from Jaya Prima Tour & Travel see my Travel Page .

Bandung Airport - has domestic flights leaving daily and for a while there direct flights to Singapore. Plus there is a Dunkin Dounuts there.

Taxi's Numbers:

CITRA Taxi  - (732-0000)
Gemma Repah  - (421-7070)   
4848 - (213-278)
Centris -
Kota Kembang (312-312)

Steet Maps:
Driver License:

International Drivers License - usually an international drivers license is good for one year. But if you get it through PATA its good for 4 years. You can contact them via email and do everything via UPS or DHL .

 Pan American Auto Travel Association (PATA)


589 Periera Leal, Urb Valencia
Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico 00923 U.S.A.

Box 619
Escazu 1250
Costa Rica, C.A.

Indonesian Drivers Licenseor if you want to get a local drivers license or (SIM) you can as well by going to your local police station

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