Past Updates from 2001

If you haven't been to our Web site recently, below is a list of all the updates we have posted in the past year (our year in review). I hope it helps you to get caught up a bit. We'd love to hear some updates from you so drop us a short note telling us what your up to these days.

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  A recent demo in Jakarta
in front of the US Embassy.

October 2001 With the new war on Terrorism the situation here has taken a new turn. The situation here changes daily but up until today it has been relatively safe. Since the strike on Afghanistan began, we have seen relatively small demonstrations mainly in Jakarta.  Threats of sweeping for Americas have been made but have not yet been carried out.

We continue to do our work but are taking the embassy advice to take extreme caution and lay low during hot times. At times the International school has been closed however up until today for the most part the international community here has decided to stay put and wait and see what develops. The security forces, the goverment and the vast majority of Indonesia neighbors have been very supportive. They stand against sweeping as well as against the US attack in Afghanistan.


September 2001  - This month the kids are back in school. Kerrie has returned to the International school and Seth is having school at home with 4 others and his own mom as the teacher. The new school room is completed as is the area along the side of the house. Elisabeth & Seth returned from the states where they were able to find some things out to help with Seth's stomach problems and it seems like he is getting better. Mike continues to work at the university creating an Intranet for them set to roll out sometime this month. We had a great time down at our favorite beach here is west Java and Mike is putting together an online pictural guide of Pangandaran as part of his West Java Links pages. However it looks like all our pictures from the trip were lost as either we lost our camera or it was stolen.

June 2001 -  We're back from a short trip to Singapore where we met with a doctor to see if we could come up with a solution to help Seth's stomach get better. Seth went through a bunch of tests and we were able to narrow in on some possible causes. First we will try to kill any kind of infection or parasites which might still be in his stomach. If that doesn't work we may need to begin to look at some dietary issues and go from there.

The political situation here has gotten a bit more tense as many in the government are trying to get the current President out of office. Things in Bandung have been calm as usual.

 This month we will begin to prepare our house for the pre-school Elisabeth will be teaching here. We are going to screen an area on the side of the house and use it for the school starting near the end of August.


April 2001 -  My work at the University is going well. We have started to do some database design work in Lotus Notes and gather our development team. Seth's stomach problems continue and we are planning a trip to Singapore to see a childrens specialist there at the National University Hospital.


March 2001  - We've been back in Indonesia for two months now. The kids miss all the family they have in America but I think they really feel like this is home. We were able to move back into the same house which we rented before making it easier for the kids to adjust (see photo to the left).

The kids in front of our house.