The centre-piece of the Pleasure Grounds is a long irregular
lawn fringed by herbaceous plants and backed by trees and shrubs.
The lawn fulfulls a similar role to a garden lake or pond, providing
a smooth, restful surface that is easy on the eye.Mr. Mc Ilhenney
planted the gardens for affect rather than to show off individual
plants. He gave each section of the gardens its own character
and style and linked them all together with winding paths. With
clever planning, the gardens feature a range of plants that create
interest and colour throughout the year. At all times of the year
, the rugged grandeur of the setting contrasts vividly with the
studied luxuriance of the plantings , and this remains the garden's
greatest distinction. In 1983, the Office Of Public Works assumed
responsibility for the garden and they were opened to the public
in 1984.