I'm still new at this, so, please bear with me.  It looks kinda jumbled right now. But, it's fun making this page.
Duane Sablans Wildside World
I live and work in Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (U.S.).  It's somewhere on the globe you see on the page.
Just counting how many of you make this wonderful discovery. Please sign our guest book to let us know you've been here. Thank you and we hope you enjoyed our site. Come back and see us again.
Click on a e-mail address below to get in contact with DUANE.
You are number
to visit our website.  Thank you very much.
More pictures are coming to this page, once I figure out how to thumbnail the pictures.  In the meanwhile, please click on the picture links to see the ones I've done already.  Thank you for your patience.
Click in picture to enlarge.
Duane is from Saipan CNMI, USA
List of Pictures
Click on description to see.
Where Duane works
Saipan Weather
Hayward, Calif. Weather
'Saipan Tribune'
Saipan Newspapers - Online - click on the links below
Chamorro.com - Off island Chamorro community - Online
Pictures of Friends - not yet ready for viewing
'Marianas Variety'
Duane's Travels on this Wild World
Date this page was last updated:
April 5th, 2009
United States - California, Texas, Florida, Georgia, Ohio, Arkansas, Tennessee, Arizona, New Mexico, Kentucky, Nevada, Illinois, Hawaii, Guam, CNMI

Europe - England, Scotland, Germany, Belgium, France, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Sicily, Austria, Switzerland, Greece

Middle East - Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Dubai (UAE)

Indian Sub-Continent and Indian Ocean - India, Maldives

Below the Equator - Comoros Islands

Far East Asia - Philippines, Japan
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