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1992-1994--Japan - photos only

1995--Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand -photos only

1995--India and Nepal - photos only

1995--China - photos only

1995-1996--Australia and New Zealand - photos only

1996-1998--USA - photos only


1999--Mexico (Ciudad Juarez to Toluca)

1999--Mexico (Mexico City)

1999--Mexico (Papantla to Taxco)

1999--Mexico (Acapulco to Palenque)

1999--Mexico (Misol Ha to Merida)

1999--Mexico (Valladolid to Chetumal)

1999--Belize and Guatemala (Belize City to Guatemala City)

1999--Guatemala (Antigua to Copan)

1999--Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama

1999--Ecuador (Quito)

2000--Ecuador (Latacunga to Macara)

2000--Peru (La Tina to Cajamarca)

2000--Peru (Trujillo to Huaraz)

2000--Peru (Chavin)

2000--Peru (Casma to Pisco)

2000--Peru (Ica to Puno)

2000--Peru (Cusco and the Inca Trail)

2000--Peru (Machu Picchu to Yunguyo)

2000--Bolivia (Copacabana and Isla del Sol)

2000--Bolivia (La Paz to Salar de Uyuni)

2000--Bolivia (Uyuni to Avaroa)

2000--Chile (Ollague to Puerto Natales)

2001--Chile (Paine Circuit)

2001--Argentina (Bariloche to El Calafate)

2001--Argentina (Ushuaia to Puerto Iguacu)

2001--Brazil (Foz do Iguacu to Jericoacoara)

2001--Brazil (Belem to Boa Vista)

2001--Venezuela and Colombia (Santa Elena de Uairen to Cartagena)



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