
I was going to write an article on my Margaritaville. First I thought you should know

Jimmy's version

Stay tuned, my version of Margaritaville will be coming in the next few weeks.Whats yours?





Where, or What Is My Margaritaville

For a long time, I believed that my Margaritaville had to be in Key West. After all if Key West was half the paradise Jimmy sang about, then it was all that I ever wanted to be a part of. Finally last year, I visited Key West. It was INCREDIBLE. It was one of the best days of my life, but why?? Was it that the weather was a sunny 90 degrees without any humidity? Could it have been that everyone in the city was smiling and friendly? Did it deal with the "Cheeseburger In Paradise" I ate at the official "Margaritaville" restaurant? Was it that I was off work? It couldn't have been the rum punch I had been drinking for days, could it? Okay all of these factors would make for a great day anywhere for almost anybody, but these were only a small part of why my day in Key West was a perfect one.

That day was great for all those reasons, but mostly because I was in love and happy with who I was and my life choices to that point. I had just been married to the woman of my dreams. We were on our honeymoon, and she was everything I could want as a life mate. That day in Key West was spent with the best friend I ever had, Michelle. My heart was filled with happiness, and I hadn't a worry in the world. I felt as if the day was created for us, and us alone. I wanted to feel that way forever. But, soon the day was gone, and we were headed back home; where there was no rum punch, no "Cheeseburgers In Paradise" , too much humidity, bills to pay, jobs to work, and my Margaritaville was lost to me again. But yet it wasn't...

I have felt great happiness in my heart since that day. I have felt great love for my wife since that day. Do i need to be in Key West? Is Margaritaville a place, or a state of mind? I now know that Margaritaville is a spot that i can occasionally visit. A state of mind that I can put myself in from time to time. No one can stay in Margaritaville. I try to enjoy and appreciate the days I can visit my Margaritaville. Those days when everything seems to be perfect and I can't stop smiling if I wanted to. Those days when I still feel the whole world was put there for just Michelle and I to enjoy. To quote Jimmy Buffett, as I always do,

Take it from me 'cause I found

If you leave it then somebody else is bound

To find that treasure, that moment of pleasure

When yours it could have been

"Some people never find it,

some only pretend

But me, I just want to live happily ever after

Every now and then.





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