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"The Well-Hidden Traveler"
New York State

Car ferry across Lake Champlain

Year 2000 tried to rear its ugly head a little east of Lake Placid in Elizabethtown, NewYork.

Elizabethtown isn’t much more than a crossroads, but it’s an inviting crossroads. The major franchise operators didn’t seem to want to wait here for the overflow traffic from the next Winter Olympics. We were Canada-bound, so we didn’t spend much time either, but we did stop for gas at the Sunoco.

While waiting a particularly long time for a credit card authorization, we filled the awkward moments talking about the weather (still drizzling after a bad summer drought), road conditions and the cool fall air that was beginning to hint of winter. Exhausting all the traditional gas station topics (You don't often hear "how's she running?" anymore.) created a pause that Bob had to fill somehow. (It's really not polite to use his first name, since we really didn't spend all that much time together or get to introductions, but that's what his shirt said, and I think it would be worse to call him "the man wearing Bob's shirt.") He turned his attention to the irritating little computer terminal.

"That thing’s been slow all day. People are thinking I’ve got a 2KY problem."

We got the "ok" and returned to the road, reassured, thanks to Bob, that the millennium would probably start uneventfully.

Port Hope, Ontario
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