My Summer in the Lower Ozarks

Working as a Field Botanist for The Nature Conservancy

During the summer of 1998 after I graduated from Miami University, I worked for The Nature Conservancy of Missouri in the Lower Ozarks as a field botanist. The job was designed to last only three months, so I was aware going into the position that I would have to be looking for a more stable job while working in Missouri. The project that I was working on was a longterm study on the effects of fire as a tool for forest management. The study is taking place at Chilton Creek and is being managed by The Nature Conservancy.

For the first two weeks that we were employed, we had an intense training session to orient us with the Missouri flora. Under the instruction of Blane Heumann and Cindy Becker, our crew of six quickly became very familiar with the most common plants that we would see all summer long. After this two week period, we spent the next two and a half months working four days a week, ten hours a day in the grueling southern Missouri heat. Working only four days a week gave us three days each weekend to take field trips, go to the drive-in, or float down the Current River on intertubes. I also had some first's while living in Missouri - my first Bluegrass Festival, my first rodeo, my first ambulance ride, my first copperhead, and my first 45 minute drive to the closest sign of civilization. To get an idea of my summer, take a look at some of the my links from this page. To start you off, here is a picture of "The Projects", where we lived. I shared a room with two other people, and the setup was pretty much like residence hall life. There's my red car next to the building.

The Projects

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