New Zealand




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About Tuakau





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This is the new site advertising Tuakau to the rest of the world via the world wide web. Before checking out this site please read the disclaimer.

If you're from overseas and planning a trip to New Zealand, or you're a kiwi wanting to see the less well known parts of the country then Tuakau is a must. This page exists firstly to convince you and then to help you in deciding what to do and where to stay.


-Latest News-


The trains are coming! Well, not quite, but an industrious group of Auckland University planning students have come up with a proposal for a train station within Tuakau.

The idea makes great sense in that the main trunk line passes through the town and yet it has no facilities for trains to stop. The students propose a site on the corner of Liverpool and George Streets. Their development includes a ticket office, café , shop and train platform.

The hard working students displayed their work at a meeting in the Tuakau Town Hall on the 21st October, 1999 which also included works on Tuakau from the rest of the 3rd year class. The Tuakau website salutes the work of all the students involved in the 'Tuakau brief'.



Page Last Updated: 21st May 2002.